Giants of Sandwich
Michael Magyar creates giant lighted sculptures which are on display during the holiday season mainly along Route 6A in Sandwich and a few other towns on Cape Cod such as Dennis. Several dozen have been made; more are being added annually. Contact him if interested: GlassStudioOnCapeCod@Comcast.Net
Photos by Dave Doolittle, Sandwich. Please scroll down to view all of the images of the "Giants". Enjoy and please tell your friends!
See many more Giants here:
Sandwich High School "Blue Knights"

Angels welcome all to Sandwich along Rt.6A across from Tupper Road
Angels welcome all to Sandwich along Rt.6A across from Tupper Road

Sandwich Pizza, Rt. 6A
Sandwich Pizza, Rt. 6A, just east of the Village

Snow man
Old County Road, east of the RR Bridge.